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“There is nothing like a dream to create the future.”
Victor Hugo


 Hypno-CBT®, CBT and Kinesiology (including EFT and other energy and mind-body techniques) can help you with different conditions at different stages of life: it is meant to help you grow from difficulties, challenges, lack of clarity and pain, to expressing your qualities and reaching your goals. If a GPs (General Practitioner/ your Doctor) and other medical professionals directed you to see me, kindly mention it during our 1st contact.


N.B.: those treatments are not meant to replace medical treatments you are expected to follow. it works with your life (medical treatments included if relevant).


Contact me by email at for more information. ​

Happy Vlogger

Self Esteem, Assertiveness and Self Improvement:
Gaining social confidence, achieving weight goals respecting your true-self (prioritising your relationship to your body and definition of self rather than external standards), developing your ability to confidently talk in public for work or social/ personal life, performance improvement (e.g. sport competition), etc.
All those positive goals can come with a lot of pressure and stress: Hypno-CBT, CBT, kinesiology can help you navigate successfully those challenges. 
We can work with reasonable deadlines: e.g. if you have an important meeting in 6 weeks and would like to be more confident interacting with your audience, we can define a goal and work on it together. If it is only a week later, we can target another meeting in order for you to build long lasting results and your own ability to become better and better on your own. 

Image by Katie Moum

Challenging life situations:
Going through a divorce or a loss, adapting to a new life reality, changing your cultural/ geographical environment, etc.
All situations that require you to drastically adjust to a new reality - whether it is your choice or not - can sometimes be difficult to process: on a physical level, your surroundings and habits change, forcing your body to create new neuronal pathways and adopt new behaviours. On a cognitive (your thoughts) and emotional level, there can also be a lot to process and transform.
Sometimes, the road ahead is impossible to see and the new version of yourself that will emerge from it all is unclear.
Hypno-CBT, CBT, kinesiology can help you process changes and regain step by step clarity of thoughts, confidence and a calm, balanced approach to life. 

Image by Pars Sahin

Anxiety Disorders:
Dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), General Anxiety, Work or Family related Stress, Stress Management, etc.
Exposure to one or several traumas over a short or extended period of time leading to acute stress, seeing yourself coping in a survival mode due to too much pressure and/ or an environment you are not in sync with (anymore), feeling i
rritable, angry, afraid, wound up or over-burdened, feeling it in your body as well with chronic tension, difficulties to relax. Sensing that your ability to connect with others is impaired by anxiety and stress: all this can lead you to start organising activities, work and relationships around this reality, not living your life at the fullest. 
Hypno-CBT, CBT, Kinesiology can help you regain progressively control over your life and life goals in a relaxed and balanced way, going from survival to a more fulfilling life. 

Image by Andrew Neel

Psychosomatic Conditions & Pain Reduction:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Warts, Chronic Pain Management, etc. 
When you are facing an occurrence of physical symptoms lacking a medical explanation, it can be stressful and over-whelming to deal with a desire to live symptom-free in your mind and your body taking another direction. 
According to several studies, IBS and Warts conditions benefit greatly from CBT and Hypnotherapy, helping with stress and its triggers.
Pain is sometimes defined as the level of danger your body feels he is in: by relaxing the body with the mind and the mind in the body, you can start getting in touch with your pain and progressively reduce it.

Hypno-CBT, CBT, Kinesiology can help you find a new balanced relationship with your body in those conditions: by relaxing and reducing the stress, the mental and physical aspects can realign progressively.

Image by Nick Fewings

Animals, Insects, Planes, Cars, Crowds, Heights, etc.
Living with phobias can disrupt daily activities and lower self-esteem. Phobias can build gradually over time or results from one big trauma. Stronger than fears, phobias can lead to freeze, to experience physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, shaking, sweating, incapacity to talk, panic attacks, etc. It can also become difficult to think, structure thoughts and plan actions. 
Through several techniques including progressive desensitisation, it is possible to help with phobias and start living feeling safe and calm around what will become past triggers. 
Hypno-CBT, CBT, Kinesiology, can help you overcome your phobia(s) and regain calm, confidence and control.
Complex phobias such as agoraphobia and social phobia experienced at a very high intensity can be discussed: depending on the intensity of symptoms, a multi-treatments approach might be considered (i.e. with other professionals to help). 


Habit reversal:
Nail-biting, Hair-pulling, all habits that are becoming invasive, etc.
Some habits can be changed through personal discipline and a plan of actions, but others are deeply rooted in daily life and seem to have a strong autonomy, as if changing them was impossible. 
Other examples of such habits are: 
compulsive text writing against your will, use of some words in every conversation or sentence, etc. 
When blocking them is difficult (e.g.: compulsive texting yet you need to be able to use your phone at all time), know that it is possible to reverse those habits and to retrain yourself gently and positively in order to make space for more relaxed behaviours - in tune with your environment and not a habit that seems to be stuck and out of control.
Hypno-CBT, CBT, Kinesiology can help you with habit reversal and help you free yourself from behaviours you wish to permanently change. 

Image by Megan te Boekhorst


Finding it hard to go to sleep, waking up several times during the night, lying awake in your bed most of the nightwaking up early without being able to go back to sleep, finding it hard to nap or sleep even though you're tired: all those symptoms point at short (less than 3 months) or long term insomnia.

It can lead to irritability, lack of focus, brain fog but also slow metabolism and other sleep deficiency related conditions.

Hypno-CBT, CBT, Kinesiology can help you with Insomnia, aiming at a better quality and regularity of sleep. 

FYI: it is estimated that adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep, children 9-13 hours, toddlers and babies 12-17 hours. (Source: NHS UK website).

Meditating on the Beach

Meditations, Relaxation Trainings.
Pausing and stopping to notice the world around you or inside you (thoughts, feelings), simply observing, is a type of awareness that can help you deal with anxiety, stress, changes and mild depression (recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE)
Practiced regularly, it can improve mental clarity, self-control, flexibility, ability to relate to others, acceptance and a general sense of well-being.

Contact for more details, for individuals or groups. 

Image by Inspa Makers

Addictive Behaviours:
Food addiction, Screen addictionSmoking cessation, etc.
Eating to the point of feeling ill, not being able to quit smoking, getting back to screens despite feeling sleepy or being around others for a social activity, all those symptoms indicate a difficulty to overcome an addiction.
Hypnotherapy combined with CBT and Kinesiology are powerful tools to overcome addictive behaviours.
Although it is a behaviour that is addressed, thoughts, emotions and energy, are also taken into account as the CBT approach as well as the Kinesiology one consider this triangle to be a system.  
Hypno-CBT, CBT, Kinesiology can help you put addictive behaviours in the past.
Regarding Smoking Cessation:
The combination of Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy usually lea
ds to a minimum of 2 sessions: lots of hypnotherapists offer a 1 hour session for smoking cessation. Although it is possible depending on the smoking profile, my approach might require a minimum of 2 cessions as it is holistic. This can be discussed.

Image by Kenny Eliason

Mix of several conditions, Gratefulness & Spiritual Aspirations, etc.
Sometimes "it is too much": several conditions at the same time, lots of challenges. One treatment at a time would not only take lots of motivation and strength that are in short supply, but also wouldn't address what looks like one complex fog of issues.
Sometimes there isn't a name for it: it is a need to change, to understand better, to develop your intuition, your spiritual abilities, to see yourself and the world differently, but it is unclear were to start. Exchanging and finding what can help in order to expand your need to approach life differently is possible with all 3 approaches together: CBT, Hypnotherapy, Kinesiology. 
Contact for more details, for individuals and groups. 

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