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What nurtures you?

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

2 months ago, I decided to add new tasks on my iCal: dancing while cooking - I love both so I decided to see how combining them would go -, read press articles in several languages as I love studying foreign languages, visit a new museum every week. I made a list, ticked boxes, and took it as seriously as a work task, even on busy days.

I wanted to focus on non-detox activities.

We are often encouraged to detox, especially around spring time or after a time of festivities and too much rich food: we detox our bodies, our homes, or our bad habits. Sometimes, I am highly motivated: when summer is coming, when a bad habit starts to become obvious and I want to change it once and for all, or when I identify a toxic environment around me (people or situations). It becomes my priority and I am focused.
Yet I have often caught myself lacking motivation on the long term, or loosing quickly the benefits of my detox: I realised I was removing something from my life without offering myself a better option.

A few years ago, I helped a friend cleaning gorgeous antiques made of wood and marble: we used several products that could be sorted in 2 categories - the cleaning/ 'removing stains' ones, and the nurturing/ protecting ones.
When we use detergent, we need to recreate a layer of protection with a nurturing product.

The same applies to us: we detox our bodies not just because we want to get rid of unwelcome bacterias but because we want a healthy internal balance, we want to feel energised. We deep spring clean our homes not because we want more space, but because we aspire to have a decluttered home organised in a fresh new way, and because we want to break the cycle of 'cumulating/ throwing away' that ends up being repetitive and uninspiring. We detox because we want an upgrade, a new version of who we are: we want that feeling within ourselves and around others and/or in different environments.

What nurtures you?

- List everything you love, activities that are easy, fun, and that bring you joy in less than 15-30 minutes (to keep it realistic). Don't aim at expensive activities: here, it is about the little things. It can be about coffee time (walking to your favourite coffee place or preparing it your own way), about turning back home walking through a neighbourhood you really like, it can be spending time selecting veggies yourself, etc.
FYI, doing nothing (literally) for 15-20 minutes is also an activity: it has been proven to help with the processing of experiences and memories.

- Schedule those activities and enjoy them regularly, not just once in a while.

- Observe how focusing on what nurtures you help you naturally remove what doesn't serve you: it helps you detox without realising it.


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