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What Does Your Soul Need Today?

Updated: May 4, 2023

I remember studying the Maslow pyramid in Business School: although there are several ways of looking at it, within the context of a specific class we were told that if the needs of a layer weren't addressed, it was difficult to fully get to the layer above (starting at the bottom of the pyramid with Physiological needs, going all the way up to self-esteem and self-actualisation).
Yet Buddha reached enlightenment and self-actualisation by experiencing the lack of pretty much everything from the first 2 layers (physiological and security) during several years, exploring paths to reach spiritual growth. Today, more and more people turn to fasting detox stays in medicalised places in order to help with their physical and mental health, and a lack of many items from several Maslow pyramid's layers have led major artists to create their masterpieces.
It looks like even if insuring basic needs (food, roof, human rights, etc.) is what we naturally want for all, our personal needs don't necessarily progress with the Maslow Pyramid's order: it can follow another logic, one that answers our current aspirations.
Beyond all "logical" needs lies in us a true desire to connect with something bigger than ourselves, to find our place and be at peace with ourselves and our environnement (social, geographical, etc.): when this thirst for a meaningful life is strong, we can become ready to pay a high price - quitting a job, leaving everything behind, changing a diet, embracing a new spirituality with determination and discipline, etc. This voice is so strong, it is difficult not to follow it once it is discovered.

How can you hear your inner voice?

- Ground yourself:
Work, social life, family, friends, university, school, local communities, trends on social medias, etc.: we are surrounded by so many inspiring causes and ideas that it is easy to lose ourselves to the point we don't even know how to find our inner voice.
Spending time regularly to ground yourself is a game changer: a few minutes several times a day can make a huge difference.
Meditation, journaling, walking in nature in silence without looking at a phone, breathing exercises are simple activities that only take a few minutes per day and tell your entire system - mind, body, soul - that you are your own priority and you care about yourself. In order to be in a relationship with yourself, practice those activities daily.

- Set the intention to give priority to your true wishes and all they will require to happen:
It sounds simple but isn't always. When you want wonderful and respectful things for yourself and others yet they go against all you were told (through upbringing, collective behaviours and beliefs, etc.), how can you truly believe your inner voice is not some crazy personal rebellion against the system? How can you even make it happen if there isn't really a way today to express yourself respectfully, safely, positively?
Building self-confidence and faith in yourself is key: this is how you can make a way and find support around you.
Congratulate yourself for all your little wins every day, keep an open-mind on your opinions - they can change or find new foundations. Start and finish the day with gratitude even on difficult days, congratulate yourself when you see grace or positive around you - it mirrors your mindset. Take care of yourself, treat yourself with a little inexpensive something everyday - e.g. visit a store you love without buying anything,

- Learn something new everyday, connect with new people, learn about causes that are out of your current scope of interest:
It doesn't mean you have to subscribe to lots of newsletters and stick to it for months, or keep in touch with everyone you have a conversation with. It is about creating new interactions - with different people, different knowledge, etc. once or twice per week. Your inner voice needs words. Creativity and expression can help you put your desires in words, and find new ways of making your wishes come true.
Dive into a new section of your usual newspaper, make some researches online on a topic you heard of but know little about, read a short book from a new genre for you. It doesn't matter if you don't finish the book: try your best, see what you liked or didn't like about it. Talk to people around you when the opportunity arises -even for a few words in public transportation or in a store -, it will help you create spontaneous simple ways to connect with others. Try new activities: painting, visits of your city or a museum, etc.

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