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The Powerful Action of Doing Nothing.

Do you sometimes find yourself actively "doing something about it" when there handling an issue, without getting any result? You brainstorm to find new ideas and new ways of approaching the task at hand, you reach out to other people, search online what more you can do, and despite those tremendous efforts you can't find a solution.

Maybe it is time to stop doing anything.

In this case, it is not laziness or denial through avoidance of dealing with the issue, it's an action just like all the others. Here is a list of benefits:

- Putting the mind at rest improves problem-solving abilities and boosts creativity: many researches came to this conclusion. Option 1: you will be surprised to think of another way of solving your issue, Option 2: you will start focusing on other matters that require your attention and that might end up being more rewarding, therefore reducing the frustration caused by the impossible resolution of the previous matter.

- When you do nothing, it doesn't mean everything is stopping around you: it means that during your withdrawal of the whole situation (even just not "interacting" with your thoughts and energy), other parameters will evolve and change, bringing you in return a new situation if you happen to find yourself forced to address that matter again in your life. Also... it might sort itself out! Yes, sometimes the Universe has your back!

- Doing nothing allows you to reflect and get a new perspective on life: have you noticed how desperate you can feel when you are chasing a solution? Although those are sometimes necessary steps to take in life, it can feel like having blinkers on. Stopping everything will help you see the bigger picture in your life and help you reconnect with yourself by asking yourself 'larger' questions: do you want to keep chasing solutions or do you want something else for yourself? how much reward do you expect to receive for your actions and how can you get it? How would you like to feel in your life? What does your soul needs? All those questions are fundamental aspects of our personal development and keys to our happiness.

- Doing nothing improves your spiritual heath. Just like we have to sleep regularly, we have spiritual needs to address. It is not about religion or meditation: our spiritual needs are connected to our natural ability to ask ourselves questions about the meaning of life and our purpose. This is were our soul, heart and global energy find inspiration and rest.

What about trying? you can even schedule it: 20 minutes per day of doing absolutely nothing (no phone, etc.) will help you hone that skill.


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