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Self-Respect Before Your Heart is Broken.

Some decisions are difficult to make.

Sometimes they leave us in a state of anxiety: we can't decide, we can't move on, we just don't know what would be the right thing to do, or how to avoid doing something wrong.
Sometimes we want it all but we can't have it.
Sometimes we don't know if we are wisely compromising or harshly sacrificing what is important to us.
We review our options, our limits, even sometimes our values: "should I do more? differently? how far am I suppose to go?"

Here is the limit: yourself.
Some decisions won't be the best, just the best possible considering all circumstances.

In many of Deepak Chopra's meditations, he suggests to "go within".
This is were you are: go within, listen to yourself in the safety of your own person. Go within, where you are yourself at peace, calm and relaxed.

Listen to your heart, even if your ego or your logical brain would like to hear something different.

Respect yourself before your heart is broken.


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