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"Passion is Energy"

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." - Oprah Winfrey

Sometimes we don't truly know what excites us: we are pressured by what is expected from us, by the too many options available, by our anxieties, our doubts, chores, etc.
So many different versions of our future self exists.
So many options are possible and equally amazing.

Yet at the end of the day, only a few passions will truly excite us.

Here is a list of ideas to help you find what truly excites you:

- Ask yourself regularly this question: "how does it make me feel?" Many activities are great, interesting, fascinating, inspiring, but not many are so deeply exciting that it seems you have a different reservoir of energy for them.

- Try the many excellent tips from this Mind Body Green article on how to find your calling.

- Reflect on different times of your life and ask yourself those 2 questions: what inspired you back then? what were you doing most?
If there is a big difference between what you wanted back then and what you were actually doing, remember that 1) it is never too late to fulfil your dreams 2) if you have been used to living on 2 different planets - the one for your dreams, the other one for your actual activities - it might have become a habit. Therefore it is important for you to reconnect those 2 planets with what I call "body work": breathing exercises, understanding where in your body you feel your emotions, walk in nature, spending time with an animal you love, etc. The idea is that your thoughts and aspirations are invisible, your actions are: the connection between them is your physical body. The more you are in the present moment, in your physical reality, the easier it will be for you to reconcile your dreams and your actions.

- Sleep on it: true genuine excitement is not agitation or restlessness. It is powerful and calm, steady. Its reservoir of energy is unlimited: if you truly love it, you will feel the same way a day later.


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