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Letting Go is Like Autumn

"Let go": we have all heard those words many times. If you google "what does letting go mean", you will find lots of definitions along with lists of how you can identify when it is time to let go, how you might feel if you do so, etc. It is a difficult concept to describe and therefore many options are available to approach it: we all get the idea but it's really about experiencing it.

Today I wanted to discuss one aspect of letting go: it's what happens next.

I think that one of the greatest difficulty of letting go is knowing that it will be followed by the unknown, by basically nothing: letting go is not about jumping from what we have to something (ideally) better we have selected and already identified - that would be a choice or a new direction. It is releasing something we have in order to move on, without any guarantee that what will come next is equally good or better for us.

As human beings, we always instinctively insure our survival. Letting go means throwing away something (a situation, a relationship, a psychological pattern, etc.) we currently have and that was once meaningful and very important to us. For example, if being angry used to help someone cope with a difficult family or work environment, and that environment no longer exists, it can be very difficult to let go of this anger because it used to be a positive strength. It might not sound healthy or positive to be angry all the time, but for that person, 'anger' meant 'successful survival'. 'Letting go' can literally go against our instinctive survival abilities.

Letting go requires us to trust ourselves and life enough to know that by releasing something that is not positive or useful for us any longer, we make space for fresh new positive projects.
Letting go is like autumn: leaves fall and then nothing happens. If you try to grow plants in winter, it won't work. The earth needs rest in order to successfully allow plants to grow and thrive in spring. We too, need rest and silence before growing new projects and start again.


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