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Fun Visualisation

Positive visualisation is such a powerful tool: seeing something you want for yourself and feeling good while doing so - something that doesn't initially exist in the material world - lead to its almost magical materialisation. Now if you think about the number of times a person visualised something completely insane (at that time) and it ended up happening, it is understandable we want to give it a chance: think about all those people who dreamt of flying in the air like birds, to communicate instantly with people at the other end of the world without involving telepathy, who wanted to walk on the moon, etc.

Before listing some fun visualisation's tools, here is a list of benefits you can get from it:

- Relaxation:
All you are asked to do is to focus on something you want for yourself and feel good about it. If you are tense, frustrated, nervous, it's not visualisation and it might be the sign that what you are trying to visualise is not completly aligned with your true aspirations. The "feel good" component is key.

- Emotional and Psychological balancing:
You are making room for positive feelings, images and ideas. It is similar to a stroll in your favourite area on a beautiful day, surrounded by love and wonderful surprises. The more you expend those feelings, the harder it will be for negative feelings and thoughts to grow roots.

- Self-respect and therefore self-esteem:
By acknowledging your dreams, you are taking yourself seriously, you are taking responsibility for your happiness and success, you are proving yourself you deserve to be heard and in doing so and repeating it, you are building your self-esteem.

Fun visualisation tools:

- Visualisation board:
Pick pictures in magazines or print pictures that inspire you and match your goals; you can also paint, mix materials, write words or affirmations. Place this board were you can see it several times a day - e.g. on your way to the kitchen if you work from home, etc.
=> ideal for arty-crafties
=> can be used in a "passive" way: just leaving it were you will see it, absorbing your board's content without noticing it

- Visualisation movies:
It's pretty much like an old-school visualisation board but it will be available on your phone/ tablets/ computer and will therefore need you to set a reminder in order to spend time everyday to look at it. You can create your own movie with music you like, pictures and sentences that inspire you.
=> ideal for arty-techs
=> nice way to keep your visualisation efforts integrated in your daily life - you can watch it on your TV or your phone

- Visualisation meditations:
Within a meditation, once you are calm and completely relaxed, you can start visualising.
=> ideal for who is experienced in meditation

- Visualisation Hypnotherapy:
Under hypnosis, you can root your dreams and goals after discussing them with a therapist. For more information, contact here.
=> ideal if you wish to clarify and express/assess your goals
=> ideal if spending time on it everyday is difficult

Which one is your favourite? What will you try?

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