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"... And The Sun Will Rise"

"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." (Victor Hugo)

How is life treating you?

Maybe wonderfully well, and I wish you to be blessed with even more.

Maybe not great, maybe even awfully bad.
Maybe you went through traumas and life is filtered through all they crually left behind.
Maybe you are actually starting to realise how much you have suffered and it scares you, or maybe you wonder were is your life headed and too many questions and doubts are hurting you.
Maybe your efforts are in vain, or maybe you feel lonely.
Maybe you don't even know where all your numbness and sadness comes from.
Maybe your body hurts, and maybe you don't know when and how it will end.

Maybe you are going through the longest darkest night of your life.

It will end.

Seasons change and invariably turn back every year, the sun does rise every day (as cliché as it might be, it is a fact), modern science proved that all our cells constantly regenerate (more on cells' life following this link), plants grow again even after massive disasters (e.g. Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disaster's sites), many people throughout history managed to find abundance and thrive again after fleeing their countries or after losing everything, some only had their 1st breakthrough after turning 40, 50, 60 or 70+ y.o. (think Colonel Sanders/ KFC, Stan Lee/ Marvel Universe, Actress Laverne Cox, Tadashi Yanai/ Fast Retailing, Rich Roll, J.K. Rowling/ Harry Potter, etc.), some women conceived late when nobody thought it could be possible (e.g. Edith Pretty from Sutton Hoo historical site discovery, 1st child at 47 in 1930). It is in the very essence of your cells, of nature, of life, to thrive (again).

It doesn't mean that the journey is easy, but it means that life is stronger, that opportunities will keep coming just like nature keeps thriving no matter what, that positive changes happen even against - literally - all odds.

It doesn't mean that traumas, hurts, sufferings, doubts, setbacks or pain never existed or just miraculously vanished, it means that eventually they stop controlling your life.

You might not see it now, but you've got this, and I wish you to be blessed with abundance, to live your life as if it has always spoiled you, to act with unshakable confidence, to be happy and laugh often, and to dream like everything is possible.


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