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About me


My name is Ella de Lauzun. I hold a Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy from the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, accredited by the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the General Hypnotherapy Register, the Register for Evidence-Based Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and approved by the British Psychological Society

I also hold a Practitioner Diploma from the International College of Kinesiology (Toque Para la Salud, Spain), trainings certificates in Emotional and Psychological Kinesiology from Natural Bioenergetics in the UK, and Emotional Freedom Techniques trainings in France.


Prior to be a full-time Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapist, I worked 12 years in various industries: Investment Banking in Paris, Hong Kong and New York, Executive Recruiting for European and Middle Eastern clients, and Entrepreneurial projects between France and Argentina.


I am French and Italian and speak primarily English and French (lived and grew up in Paris and NYC). I also speak at an excellent working knowledge Italian (dual nationality through a parent) and Spanish (studied and spent a significant amount of time for work and studies in Mexico, Argentina, Spain). I have notions of Hebrew, Arabic and Japanese gained at home and at work. 

Mixing cultures and highly demanding work environments gave me the opportunity to deepen my passion for human nature, psychology and motivation mechanisms.


It led me to start practicing kinesiology in 2020, a non-invasive mind body therapy aiming at shifting our energy and effectively changing patterns holding us back.

Eager to broaden my understanding of the mind body connection and how to positively change the dynamic of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, I added to my practice in 2022 a powerful combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Hypnotherapy (Hypno-CBT®): the strong record of clinical effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy is today at the very heart of my treatments. 


When I am not with my clients, I can be found on a horse, meditating in a park or a museum, or cooking with my family and friends.

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